Соник на Олимпийских играх 2020 в Токио™

Сонник игры
Thank you for playing SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020.
Online service for this game ended on 12/15/2021.
The entire team would like to express our most heartfelt thanks to the game's many fans and players for all their passion and support.
■For details regarding the offline version of the game, please refer to the following notification: [Important] Shutdown of Online Service & Changes to Game Functionality."
Thank you for playing SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020.
To closure of Online Service , server maintenance will be carried out during the time below.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Maintenance Period (*Estimated)
Please Note:
*The game will not be playable during maintenance.
*The maintenance period noted above is an estimate and is subject to change.
Thank you for playing SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020.
The following notification outlines changes to the schedule to shut down online service for SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020 on December 15, 2021 (Wed), as well as changes to game functionality afterwards (noted in red below).
■Game Functionality
・Following the shutdown of online service, the game will be playable offline, with certain functions being made unavailable(*).
Furthermore, new items will no longer be purchasable.
・Any BGM Packs and TP & Spirit Boosters that have been purchased will still be usable.
(*)Functions that will be unavailable even if an in-game Pass has been purchased are as follows:
Friends and other social media functions
Flag Stamps and Titles (Flag Stamps and Titles acquired before the shutdown will remain saved)
New Badges (Badges that have already been acquired will remain saved)
Account Transfer
Following the shutdown of online service, players that have not purchased an in-game Pass will still be able to play the Asakusa Area, the same as players who received a Premium Pass.
Players that purchased an in-game Pass will still be able to access the Areas that were unlocked by that Pass.
An update to Ver.10.0.0 will be made available following the shutdown of online service on 12 15, 2021.
Players will need to update to this version of the game in order to play after the shutdown of online service.
For further inquiries regarding this notice, please contact Support via the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page.
(Отредактировано 30/11/2021)[Важное уведомление] Прекращение онлайн-услуг
Спасибо, что играете в SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020.
В среду 15 декабря 2021 года прекратит работать онлайновый функционал SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020, и для продолжения игры потребуется обновление приложения. Коллектив разработчиков благодарит вас за игру и неизменную поддержку.
・С 15 декабря текущая версия игры перестанет запускаться, и потребуется обновление.
・Если вы приобрели какие-либо игровые пропуска, игровые этапы будут по-прежнему доступны в автономном режиме. Однако следующие функции станут недоступными:
Друзья и другие функции социальной сети
Значки стран и титулы (значки стран и титулы, полученные до закрытия онлайн-функций, будут сохранены)
Перенос учетной записи (Обновлено 30/11/2021)
Если у вас есть премиумное демо-прохождение, то вы по-прежнему сможете пройти все неоткрытые этапы.
・Вы сможете использовать все пакеты фоновой музыки, а также приобретенные ускорения TP и духа.
・Предметы больше не будут доступны для покупки.
(Обновлено 15/11/2021)Внимание!
В день окончания обслуживания будет доступно обновление.(Ver.10.0.0)
Игрокам с внутриигровым пропуском или премиальным демо-прохождением необходимо будет обновить приложение, чтобы продолжить игру после выхода новой версии.
Если у вас есть вопросы, обращайтесь в службу поддержки через
«Главное меню > Служба поддержки > Контактные данные
Thank you for playing SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020.
Server maintenance was carried out today to address an issue with in-game purchases in ver.1.0.5 (Google Play) which was released on Oct. 21. Details are listed below. Please note that, as a result of this issue, some users will be required to Restore Purchases.
Issue Details
Some in-game purchases were automatically refunded. Refunded purchases were still useable in-game. (Accounts that were transferred were not affected).
*In order to use affected purchases made between
please carry out the steps below. We apologize for the inconvenience.
[Users that made an in-app purchase that was not refunded]
-From the Map Screen, tap the cog icon at the top left of the screen to go the Options Screen. From there, tap on Restore Purchases.
[Users that made an in-app purchase that was refunded]
-Please re-purchase the item(s) affected.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and hope you will continue to enjoy SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020.
For Inquiries regarding this issue,please tap the Support button on the Title Screen and select Contact.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
We hope you continue to enjoy SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020.
Thank you for playing SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020.
To keep the game running smoothly, server maintenance will be carried out during the time below.
Maintenance Period (*Estimated)
The game will not be playable during maintenance.
The maintenance period noted above is an estimate and is subject to change.
Maintenance Notice(9/9) Server maintenance was conducted on
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
We hope you continue to enjoy SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020.
Thank you for playing SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020.
To keep the game running smoothly, server maintenance will be carried out during the time below.
Maintenance Period (*Estimated)
The game will not be playable during maintenance.
The maintenance period noted above is an estimate and is subject to change.
Thank you for your interest in SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020.
We regret to inform you that the official newsletter will be ending on August 31, 2021.
We thank you for your support and hope you continue to enjoy SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020
Thank you for your continued support of SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES - TOKYO 2020.
, we have remedied the issue where around one minute was required for the game to load.
We apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused.
We hope that you will continue to enjoy playing SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES - TOKYO 2020.
Thank you your continued support on SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES - TOKYO 2020.
We are currently experiencing a network issue, and it might take a minute for loading the game.
We are working to improve the situation. Apologies for the inconvenience caused, and thank you for your patience as we work to restore the service. Again, many apologies for the inconvenience.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
We hope you continue to enjoy SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020.
Thank you for playing SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020.
To keep the game running smoothly, server maintenance will be carried out during the time below.
Maintenance Period (*Estimated)
The game will not be playable during maintenance.
The maintenance period noted above is an estimate and is subject to change.
Сонику 30 лет!
23 июня (среда) Ежику Сонику исполняется 30 лет! В честь праздника цены на все внутриигровые пропуски снижены. Игру СОНИК НА ОЛИМПИЙСКИХ ИГРАХ 2020 В ТОКИО можно загрузить бесплатно (включает первые 10 этапов). Покупка пропуска-вездехода открывает все последующие зоны игры. Пропуск-вездеход также доступен по сниженной цене.
Будут снижены цены на следующие внутриигровые пропуски.
Пропуск в 2 зоны (Асакуса-Одайба)
Пропуск в 5 зон (Роппонги-Сибуя)
Пропуск в 5 зон (для премиум-демо)
Пропуск в 1 зону (для премиум-демо)
Пропуск-вездеход (для премиум-демо)
to prepare for a version update.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
We hope you continue to enjoy SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020.
Reason(s) for maintenance:
Sale price reductions for the following in-game items.
2-Area Pass (Asakusa-Odaiba)
5-Area Pass (Roppongi-Shibuya)
All Access Pass
5-Area Pass (Prem. Demo use)
1-Area Pass (Prem. Demo use)
All Access Pass (Prem. Demo use)
Thank you for playing SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020.
To keep the game running smoothly, server maintenance will be carried out during the time below.
Maintenance Period (*Estimated)
The game will not be playable during maintenance.
The maintenance period noted above is an estimate and is subject to change.
In the case of a version update, it may take some time for store listings to display the latest version of the game.
There may be times when maintenance starts early or finishes later to account for this.
Any change to the time maintenance starts will also affect the time maintenance finishes.
[Added October 1 11:30]
This issue was resolved during the version update on October 1.
(Updates were made to Google Play and Amazon App versions. The iOS version was not affected.)
We apologize for any inconvenience and hope you continue to enjoy playing the game.
Thank you for playing "SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES - TOKYO 2020™".
An issue has been identified whereby the game will not start on devices running the Android 11 operating system, which was released on Sept. 8, 2020.
We are currently checking the game's compatibility with operating systems Android 11 and above.
We would like to ask all users to refrain from updating to Android 11 while we complete these checks.
Your patience and understanding regarding this matter are greatly appreciated.
Please note that, while we are doing our utmost to resolve this issue as quickly as possible, resolving it may take some time.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused and hope you continue to enjoy "SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES - TOKYO 2020™".
to prepare for a version update.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
We hope you continue to enjoy SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020.
Reason(s) for maintenance:
Maintenance Notice(10/1)
Thank you for playing SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020.
To keep the game running smoothly, server maintenance will be carried out during the time below.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Maintenance Period (*Estimated)
The game will not be playable during maintenance.
The maintenance period noted above is an estimate and is subject to change.
In the case of a version update, it may take some time for store listings to display the latest version of the game.
There may be times when maintenance starts early or finishes later to account for this.
Any change to the time maintenance starts will also affect the time maintenance finishes.
Reason(s) for maintenance:
Performance optimizations
День рождения Соника!【Sale over】 Временные скидки до 50% на игровые пропуски!
В честь 29-го дня рождения Соника и Международного Олимпийского дня, которые оба проводятся 23 июня, мы подготовили скидки до 50% на Sonic at the Olympic Games - Tokyo 2020™ для устройств с Android, iOS и FireOS.
В Sonic at the Olympic Games - Tokyo 2020™ вас ждут 10 БЕСПЛАТНЫХ этапов. Вы можете покупать дополнительные этапы в игре или приобрести пропуск полного доступа, чтобы открыть сразу все!Пропуски полного доступа тоже временно можно будет приобрести со скидкой 50%, так что не упустите шанс получить от игры максимум впечатлений!
Распродажа ко дню рождения СоникаВремя проведения:
Акция на усилители очков тренировок и этапы уже в игре!
Чтобы отпраздновать день рождения Соника, мы запускаем акцию на усилители очков тренировок и этапы до 23 июля.
Пока длится акция, завершение этапов в районах Асакуса и Одайба будет приносить в 1,2 раза больше очков тренировки.
Кроме того, чтобы начать этап в районах после Роппонги или ежедневный этап испытания, потребуется вдвое меньше очков тренировки.
Maintenance Notice(6/30) Server maintenance was conducted onfor a version update.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
We hope you continue to enjoy SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020.
Reason(s) for maintenance:
Maintenance Notice (6/11) Server maintenance was conducted on
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
We hope you continue to enjoy SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020.
Issue with starting Stages on certain devices(5/12 14:00 JST)An issue has been detected that prevents certain Stages (Fencing) from starting correctly on devices with the language set to French or Russian. Please tap HERE for details.
Thank you for playing
The connection issues that the game was
experiencing on 2020-5-7 have been
resolved as of 2020-5-7, 13:00 (GMT) 2020-5-7, 05:00(PST).
If you experience the following symptom, please reinstall the application.
・When the loading mark continues to rotate on the loading screen when transitioning from the SEGA logo screen to the next, and it does not end.
We apologize for any inconvenience
and hope you'll continue to enjoy
Посетите Олимпийские игры и примите участие в увлекательных
событиях близ достопримечательностей города!
Сумеет ли Соник одолеть доктора Эггмана на Олимпийских играх и спасти город?!
Участвуйте в Олимпийских играх или новых полных веселья дополнительных событиях!
Для победы потребуется хорошенько разогнаться!
Бросайте вызов игрокам по всему земному шару в рейтинговых играх,
а также сражайтесь за первое место в стране или регионе!
Название игры Соник на Олимпийских играх 2020 в Токио™ Доступно на Android / iOS / Fire OS Дата выхода 7 мая 2020 года Жанр Спортивный экшн Доступно на КОРПОРАЦИЯ SEGA
© 2021 IOC. All rights reserved. ©SEGA.
Google Play и логотип Google Play являются товарными знаками корпорации Google LLC. Apple, логотип Apple, iPhone и iPad являются зарегистрированными товарными знаками компании Apple Inc. в США и других странах. App Store является сервисным знаком компании Apple Inc.